the first stop is hawaii where i will have about 36 hours of free time before heading up the extinct volcano to meet a new telescope! i'm observing with the 3.8 meter united kingdom infra-red telescope (UKIRT) for the first time. i'll spend 7 nights awake at the summit of mauna kea observing targets for the UKIDSS project.

after the observing run, i'm going back to my hometown in ohio to see my family in person for the first time in over a year! woohoo! this is the longest stretch i've gone without seeing them and i'm really thrilled to get in some family time!

Safe travels and strong coffee in Hawaii, and enjoy the heat here in the midwest (actually pretty pleasant, in the low eighties, but humid).
we're all excited to have Amanda time! can't wait to see you!
Enjoy your holidays Mandi!
Can't wait to see you!!!!!
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