the first day of winter (summer) in the northern (southern) hemisphere occurs on DECEMBER 21 at 7:00 EST with the solstice!
the ursid meteor shower occurs this month on DECEMBER 22. look towards the north (the direction that the spoon of the big dipper opens up to)...
jupiter continues its venture down along the ecliptic so that on DECEMBER 31, jupiter will be about a degree away from mercury in the night sky. enjoy!
Thanks for the easy explanation about 12/1 sky. I just happened to notice the night sky tonight and was attracted by the moon and 2 close by stars and wondered what these stars are. Thanks.
Have a wonderful winter.
Thank you. I too saw a bright star by the moon on 1 Dec and now I know it was Venus
Tonight is December 2, 2008. I was looking at the constellation Orion and noticed a star looking object just below it; very bright, flickering, and giving off a blue light. Does anyone know what it is?
Seeing the Ursids could be tricky from Australia...
a very spicial thing happned to me in india ...on the night of the 20th of december 2008 at around 10 pm indian time ...i'm trying to find out the moon and star alignement for that time , how can i find this
i would use some planetarium software, like stellarium or starry night, etc...
thank you , i dont think my old pc is up for that , but i'll give it a go ...thank you for your help
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