um - yuck! a man
found a dead mouse in his loaf of bread in 2007. the company said they grease the pans over night then fill them with dough in the morning. somehow the mouse snuck in the pan and stayed between these two processes. i'm only posting this because they included the photo in the article!

ps. sorry if i've ruined anyone's breakfast with this post (especially if it happens to be
their birthday) --go look at something uber cute, quick!!!
toof cleaning!!
Aren't you glad that you don't eat the 'butt' pieces of bread loaves?
Eww. I wouldn't eat ANY of the bread if they baked a MOUSE in it. Gross. That's so has my whole office SCREAMING in disgust.
awe that is the sickest thing ever! makes me want to start making my own bread! oh barf!
How many mice run around the pans & don't get stuck?
Eewwww! Ick!! Uck!!! Yuck!!!! Bleggggh!!!!!
Might be alright with mustard, though...
its a loaf of "malt bread"... whatever that is!
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