the petronas towers of kuala lumpur.

i have endless pictures of food.

my new favorite shoes. luckily, she removed them when she entered the temple so i didnt have to keep suspiciously following her to get a photo!

monkey beach.... where the monkeys out smarted us and stole our juice.

view of penang from the largest buddist temple in malaysia.

with my traveling companions, eating with our fingers :)


i love the written script, even though its hard to look beyond the amazing motorcyclists!

i have no idea what the black things are...

Oh my goodness, this makes me just YEARN to go somewhere awesome. I think that the subsidized travel might be what I miss most about a research career. :)
Enjoy Asia! :D
oh man you look like you are having so much fun! love your picks, i would never have believed that you can fit 4 people on a moped!
Uh, this doesn't look good. Hopefully by the time N Korea destroys US, there will be edible food elsewhere in the world.
is that chicken feet stew?
and the tower is incredible!
hey the paganica earthquake, did u see the planet's alignement at marenostrum zenith this days ? it's was predictible ?? for cambodia, may be u have to pay some taxes for our eyes injuried now; deep thanks from people that can't !! thanks for the pictures.
Can't wait to hear and see more!
Did you take a photography class? You're pictures are just wonderful. I've never taken classes but your photos look the way I wish mine would!
The black things are century eggs, look old but good taste though.
I think it is salted duck egg. It is the way to ferment the egg. It is saly but quite nice if eat with rice and fried chicken.
you're the coolest! thank for including these AWESOME update pictures! & may the force be with you in your travels!!! you rock the blogging universe!
i have no idea what the black things are...
The black things are preserved eggs.
Oooh Sweet memories of Malaysia.. It sure is a nice place,especially for gastronomical adventures...
thanks for the comments. no, i havent had any photography training... i just shoot what i see and hope for the best!
why do the eggs turn jet black when fermented?
i still havent found a store that sells those shoes :(
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