Tuesday, May 25, 2010

a world cup of crisps

in honor of the world cup next month, a pub near my house is offering sausages from a dozen different countries playing in the tournament. it really made me laugh when i saw the sign, but now i'm curious about what sausages will be featured from various countries like the US, france, and even england. so of course i will be watching at least a few matches there!

i think the sausage variety is a much better idea than the one developed by Walkers crisps (potato chips). they have created 15 new flavours of crisps from different countries in the world cup, including: South African sweet chutney, Spanish chicken paella, Irish stew, American cheeseburger, Japanese chicken teriyaki, etc...

you should read the hilarious results of charlie brooker's taste test.

i mean, the british love their crisps and they certainly have an arsenal of unique and interesting flavours already on the shelves (eg. "prawn cocktail" or "smoky bacon"), but i think maybe this has gone too far....?


Big Mark 243 said...

It's like a small piece of fried potato failing to recall a repressed abuse memory while sitting on your tongue.

Thought that was a great line. What is the deal with Irish Stew??

Sakib said...

Anyone remember Mexican chilli Pringles? And Kelloggs Nut Feast? Also remember when you could get Entennemanns carrot cake in Asda?