perseid meteor shower peaks late tonight and early tomorrow night, august 12th. go out to see some
burning bits of comet dust as the earth passes thru the debris left by
comet swift-tuttle. if you have clear skies, look up to the northeast after 11 pm tonight!

I am really looking forward to tonight’s meteor shower. If you live in an area where there is a lot of light pollution or if your night sky is clouded you can sometimes overcome these problems by finding a higher location to view the meteor shower from. You can also try driving to a location that is not under the cloud cover. Any other suggestions for kids wanting to view the Perseid meteor shower to collect data for their middle school science fair projects?
Thanks for posting this. I will be looking up from my mountain tonight. :)
I'm so excited for this!
I look forward to this every summer! I caught a bit on my drive home from work last night. Am planning to have a little sit-in on in the country on my way home from work!
I tried to view it last night...with no success. :(
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