why oh WHY have we not switched to the metric system?? there are only 3 countries in the world who have not switched to the intuitive base-10, international system of units: the US, liberia (in western africa) and burma (also known as myanmar, in southeast asia).

i'm finally starting to gain my intuition to measure mountain heights in meters and kilometers. i can finally understand the feeling of the day when it's 10 degrees celsius outside!! i wish the US would just get rid of fahrenheit already!! as a simple example, it makes perfect sense to think that water boils at 100 degrees and freezes at zero degrees.... celsius!! it only seems familiar to say that water freezes at 32 degrees (fahrenheit) because thats what i learned as a kid.... but it doesnt make any sense!! why waste brain space memorizing a pointless fact like water freezes at 32 degrees fahrenheit when zero degrees celsium actually *makes sense*??
ok, i'm finished now.
1 comment:
Should French scientists unlearn their French?
Embrace your cultural heratige of quaint metrics. Just don't use them in a talk.
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