Monday, March 9, 2009

she is an astronomer

happy international womens day all!

in somewhat related news, i'm heading to london later this week to attend the one-day conference: Tomorrow’s Women, Tomorrow’s World: The science, engineering and technology workforce and workplace in 2030.

"Women form less than 25% of the workforce in most areas of science, engineering, and technology and are concentrated in the lower income levels. Can such a loss of talent and potential be allowed to continue?"

hopefully this conference will be interesting! i was the only female in my physics undergraduate program, but had many more female colleagues when i entered graduate school. i'd like to reach out to young people as much as possible to let them know that they can do anything they want, regardless of the typical populations of people who have done that thing in the past! hopefully, this conference will give some ideas as to how to communicate these ideas with the next generation of visionary thinkers!

i will be live-twittering the event, so you can follow along in real time here: thursday, 12 march 2009.

this conference also marks the opening of the she is an astronomer cornerstone project of the international year of astronomy 2009 festivities!

"The aim of the project is to provide neutral, informative and accessible information to female professional and amateur astronomers, students, and those who are interested in the gender equality problem in science. We believe that providing this information will help increase the interest of young females to study and pursue a career in astronomy."

i will try to write a bit more about these issues over the next couple days, and reflect on the conference after its over. in the meantime, here is a resource guide and a list of some of the women in astronomy.


  1. your blog is very cute

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  2. I feel it is important to empower women and I feel moved by this blog.

  3. One of the women in my writing group is the only female geophysicist in the US. I'm going to recommend your blog to her. I think she'd love it.

  4. I'm very new to this site, so I wasn't sure how to reply to what you wrote on my page, so I'm writing it here. I apologize now for any inconvenience this might have caused. I agree with you, change brings is all what I make of it. I just need to rid of this fear that encompasses me. I really know what needs to be put forth, but for some reason something is blocking me from moving forward. I hate feeling like I'm against a brick wall. I read your about me section...and I really liked what I read. Hard truths are better than fallacy. Truth never is masked completely...

  5. awsome blog! thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  6. Times got a lot more conservative since the 80's. A lot of it was realizing being the breadwinner really sucked. Western economies tend to revolve around government planning & not be very valuable.

    If you have a choice & aren't absolutely required to be a breadwinner, you'll prioritize value over breadwinning. You'll either skip working or do something useful that doesn't make any money.

  7. Back in the 1950's when I was a girl, there was a Chinese family who had a daughter majoring in physics. Everyone in the neighborhood said, "Why on earth would a girl want to do that???" The Chinese family never could understand about all this fuss made concerning higher education for girls. In my house it was "don't worry dear, you'll get married and forget about all that."
    But I have to tell you, it changed my thinking plenty to know some girl was taking that extra step and ignoring all the commotion. I have a relative who is a landslide specialist and travels all over the world for the government. I'm going to have to tell her it's International Women's Day! Thanks.

  8. Happy international Women's Day!

    I think that's awesome that you're going to that conference!

  9. Hopefully some day we'll see plenty equity between men and women in our society. I think that only through actions like this we can reach this equity.

    Congratulations about your blog, and sorry about my poor english...

  10. What about Hypatia? She lived in Alexandria between 350 and 415 AD and taught mathematics, philosophy and astronomy to her students. She was a woman way ahead of her time; she even invented some astronomical instruments. She unfortunately was murdered by a horde of religious mysoginistic zealots, and most of her writings were destroyed by marauders who ransacked the Alexandrian Library. Let us not forget Hypatia.

  11. Only geophysicist in the US? I think I know her. Is she Carol Finn, Marcia McNutt, Kathy Hardy, Chris Powell, Donna Jurdy,...

  12. I eagerly wait for your report on the conference. Astrology says womwen are going to take over the world. todd

  13. We are looking forward to welcoming you at the UKRC conference, Amanda - and its great you will be twittering! Can I encourage your readers to dip in and out of our women in astronomy blog during 2009 - 12 different women, one a month. Right now its Maggie Aderin:

  14. I'm 51 years old. I wish someone had been pushing women to be more science/math oriented when I was younger! My daughter has had so many more opportunities!!!

    You have a great blog!!

  15. The logo for astro women looks like it gave birth to Subaru.

  16. Hello,

    I've tryed all the means to reach u, even come to UK to meet u at the seminary (no visa for algerian !!) the Can u doctorate me please ? Jsut doi t! in the name of the female's solidarity, yes as a male i should be also a female (in response to your polls !). at least, We can be friends.
    stop turning around the sun

  17. geez, i've been away from the cyber world for a few days busy rehearsing for all my exciting shows. this post and all the comments brought little tears of joy to my eyes! Three cheers for women on Earth!!!!! I've never thought of myself as less than anyone else - don't really understand how humanity has developed this way but it is certainly a fallacy. Every person has the same amazing potential as any other - never listen to voices of so-called reason that may try to disuade you from following your vision, your dream. Us misbehaving womyn await your creation with joyful open arms!!!!!
