Tuesday, November 10, 2015

sky schemes: a song

My unofficial hack at last week's .Astronomy 7 conference in sydney was to perform a song i wrote recently called Sky Schemes.  Luckily, Becky recorded it for all to hear!

Sky Schemes
By Amanda Bauer (2015)

On winter nights when I was a girl
I’d go to her house after school
We’d play game, make things, discover our dreams
I’d walk home through the dark remembering our schemes

I’d look up at the stars, shining overhead
Make constellations that I saw instead

Of those Greek ones, Islamic ones, they are so old
There are native ones, Indigenous ones, but we’re seldom told
I made one up. It was a bird, wings spread wide
I’d look for it, find it, feel so much pride

So look up at the stars, shining overhead
Make constellations that you see instead

There are new ones, trues ones, you will see first
Share them with us, through us, satisfy your thirst
To know things, understand, how we are here
No true answer you’ll find, but it will become clear

The questions that matter are changing all the time
Rely on your instincts, empower your mind

And then look up at the stars, shining overhead
Make constellations that you see instead

Photo by Andy Green

Photo by Andy Green

also, another quick announcement that you might suspect from the photo below... go to THIS LINK and keep exploring until you uncover the surprise :)  this reveal was also made as a result of .Astronomy hack day.

Photo by Andy Green


  1. You have a beautiful voice. And, congratulations!

  2. Also, that reveal app was like bubble wrap. I couldn't stop until I'd "popped" them all. I'm not gonna lie; I feel a sense of accomplishment quite a bit greater than what is strictly warranted.

  3. Congratulations, Amanda. It might be a bit tricky getting into The AAT cage from now on.


  4. I was intending to have a Tauriid watch the other night, but rather over indulged a little. Was seeing constellations everywhere

  5. Ouch. Someone hacked the astronomer. Lets hope its not an alien.
