Friday, December 13, 2013

school space gallery

a few weeks ago i visited a primary/elementary school in sydney to talk about being a girl in science.   lots of students and their parents came around to the evening session and it was a great experience.

a favourite part of the evening was the tour of the school's "space gallery" which has been developed over the last several years through collaborations between the science teacher, students and their parents.  the halls are filled with art about space!

the rocket corner marks the entrance to the space gallery.

the staircase is painted with tiny tiny astronaut footprints!

the top of the staircase is loaded with planetary art and hanging models of different types of stars!

and not just space!   another wing shows where dinosaurs meet the cosmos.

 realistic murals on all the walls are incredible.

this school building houses an inspiring space for the students to walk around and provides activities and discussions and projects for families to work on together. they have successfully created community by combining art and science.

the students were SO PROUD to show off their school.  great stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Really amazing. Its good to see the teachers, and parents actively working towards making study of science interesting for the children. Thanks for sharing your experience. And I particularly loved the mural.
