Saturday, July 7, 2012

ready for the road

later today, i start the long journey to heidelberg, germany for the 4th dotAstronomy conference.  i hope to be posting a lot from there, as i usually do!  i'm excited to see the completed spiral galaxy-shaped haus der astronomie where the conference will be held!

you can follow the events in realtime via twitter.  my comments will be here:  @astropixie and everyone's comments at the event will be listed here:  #dotastro

i'm still accepting suggestions for a possible response to the science: its a girl thing release.  got any ideas?

after heidelberg, i head to north america to attend a couple more conferences and give a few talks.  best get packing....


  1. How about a humorous parody of that video?

    Video: Female scientists using their knowledge to suceed against competition in every day life

    Audio: Stream of consciousness naration of simple scientific formulas whilst doing everyday things

    Background music: Chariots of Fire, or Rocky or similar

    Wardrobe: better leave that one alone!

  2. "Succeed" Bugger those spell checkers, now it's telling me screener is a screamer :)
    Break a leg..
