Saturday, April 28, 2012

a farewell to the shuttles

many people have been touched by the sight of NASA's last remaining shuttles being carried to their final resting places.  here is a shot of the enterprise shuttle on april 27th, 2012, on its way to its new home at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in new york city. 

Photo Credit: Smithsonian Institute / Mark Avino and NASA
(see a photo of the cast of Star Trek and NASA's Enterprise in 1976: HERE!)

in case anyone wants to read a bit more about astronomy or give some books to others, i thought i would take this opportunity to share some i've come across recently.  long ago i shared an adult list of accessible science reading that includes carl sagan, richard feynman, and mike brown's recent book about pluto

here i suggest a couple books aimed at kids.

(1) "Starry Messenger" by Peter Sis has some lovely illustrations and is a nice story about galileo.

(2) "The Way the Universe Works" Dorling Kindersley authors: Robin Kerrod and Giles Sparrow is jam packed with lots of good info across most of astronomy. it's more encyclopedia-like and less story-like, but would be fun for kids of all ages to look through and read more as interest arises.

(3) "George's Secret Key to the Universe" by Stephen and (his daughter) Lucy Hawking.  did you know stephen hawking and his daughter write a kids adventure book?   i didnt until recently.  it is aimed at the 7-8+ age group, i think.  i have not read it, but i've heard it has pretty good ideas about the vastness of the universe as explored through the tale of a little kid.

hope those help anyone who knows curious kids who have been inspired by NASA's latest hurrah.  i'd be interested in hearing your suggestions for other adult or kids astronomy books in the comments!  


  1. The children books could stoke an adult interest in astronomy too..! Great list..!

  2. You're not totally outspoken for funding human spaceflight & you're not totally against human spaceflight, like a lot of astronomers. Usually they're pretty opinionated.

  3. Interesting and lovely post.
