Sunday, August 21, 2011

the tim tam slam

a tim tam is a very popular and tasty australian biscuit/cookie composed of two layers of chocolate malted biscuit that surround a chocolatey cream filling, and completely covered in a thin layer of chocolate.

tim tams were first created in the 1960s and named after an american thoroughbred racehorse.

the packaging is unique in that each biscuit ("biccie" in aussie slang) has its own little compartment and there are precisely 11 biscuits per package.

i have developed a tim tam habit while observing at the australian astronomical observatory. very early in the morning, when i start to get sleepy and exhausted from working all night, i like to perform a tim tam slam (or two) to help me stay awake (and because they are so yummy)!!

to perform a tim tam slam, you need a tim tam and a mug of hot beverage such as coffee, tea or hot chocolate.

first, take small bites off opposite corners of the tim tam, or daintily bite off both ends (my preferred method).

the next few steps happen in rapid succession, so get ready...

hold the tim tam tight between your fingers and place one of the nibbled off bits in your mouth. submerge the other side in the beverage and suck, suck, suck!

as soon as you get the *hit* of liquid through the tim tam straw, pop it directly into your mouth!

if you wait too long, the whole thing turns into sludge and can easily drop out of your hand, so its best to eat it quickly.

every time i do the slam, it tastes better than i expect :)

UPDATE: in response to this post, some fine fellas in cardiff decided to demonstrate a similar technique using a twix, which they call tea-twix-tubes!


  1. This was a little bit hard to follow. Please help me understand by posting a video guide to this. Thank you.

  2. I saw this on the Graham Norton show! Glad to see they didn't make it up :)

  3. ... now, how do I go about getting my hands on a package (or two!)?

  4. Wow! I vaguely remember seeing this on TV. Thanks amydove for reminding me where!

  5. Can substitute port for coffee. It has a name - probably something east coast.

  6. Excellent explanatory photos (complete with mysterious costume changes halfway through)!

  7. marcus - haha. i'll see what we can do with these continuously cloudy nights...

    emma - very well spotted my fellow "observer." as i said, i have a tim tam slam habit, and these photos were taken not only on different nights, but on completely different observing runs!

  8. The only time I did this involved alcohol. :)

  9. what kind of alcohol? port?

    dont have any up here, but i'm curious....
