Thursday, December 30, 2010

serious snow

wow! this is part of the tateyama kurobe alpine route in the japanese alps. not sure why they bother digging out the road though!

via tywkiwdbi


  1. They would lose face if the road was blocked.

  2. Can we import them in the East Coast. Anyways we get their Ball players :)

  3. That's serious snow! ; )

  4. Its a snow covered canyon

  5. Fake. Look at the trees. They appear to be under a foot (.3 meters) of snow, if that. You can clearly see tree trunks rising up before branching and leafing out. On another note, I'd like to see the snowplow that can clear a road out from under 40 feet (12.2 meters) of snow with a vertical edge and no accumulation of snow on the sides of the road.

  6. Not fake, i have personally been there and its awesome sight. Dont want to be claustrophobic tho ;)
