Saturday, July 17, 2010

how to open wine without a corkscrew

what do you do with a nice bottle of wine when no corkscrew is around? apparently, you open in it with a shoe!

i havent attempted this trick yet, because i'm a bit scared, but i've been assured that it works! maybe i'll try it with a white wine....


  1. Merveilleux, I'd love to try that, I have a bottle of vin rouge, mais hélas no chaussure française, I wonder if it will work with my Blunnies?

  2. good point - i dont really have a shoe like that either....

  3. Clearly won't work with a sneaker, it's too soft - but do you even need the shoe for method 2? If just tapping against the wall is too sharp, that suggests a rather narrow range of "sharpnesses" that will work - which both restricts the shoes it will work with and suggests that there may be quite a knack to it.
