Friday, April 2, 2010

only 4 space shuttle flights remaining!

on monday, april 5th, the space shuttle discovery is scheduled to launch and take the STS-131 crew to the international space station (ISS). STS-131 is the 33rd shuttle mission to the station and begins the major countdown to the final shuttle launch, currently scheduled for september 2010.

the image above of the ISS was taken from the atlantis space shuttle in 2007.

it's looking less and less likely that i will be able to witness a shuttle launch in person :(


  1. "it's looking less and less likely that i will be able to witness a shuttle launch in person :("

    That's too bad. I got to see the SM3B launch when I was at STScI. it was spectacular. Hopefully, you'll get a chance before it's too late!

  2. Most anyone writing a high profile blog gets read by someone in the system & can usually get a slot in the press area.
