Sunday, January 3, 2010

astronomy in the DC

i'm going to washington DC today for the 215th american astronomical society (AAS) meeting. this meeting will be HUGE, if not the biggest ever meeting of professional astronomers. its always great to see old friends who work in different areas of astronomy and the meeting provides a great opportunity to talk to people offering post-doc jobs that i'll likely be in the market for considering the UK's recently announced sad state of astronomical affairs.

if you follow twitter, i'll be posting when i can about the meeting and the interesting science that i hear. also, kelle at astro better suggests that anyone tweeting from the meeting should use the hashtag #aas215, but likely many people will use #aas.

the winter AAS meeting takes place every january and rotates between 4 US cities: seattle, DC, long beach, and austin. i've packed sufficient cold weather gear, i think, but i managed to lose one glove while in ohio :(


  1. still no sign of that glove :(

  2. the glove has been found!!!

    now, if only i could locate my earring bag... :(

  3. The biggest ever must be the international Astronomical society. Be sure to photograph the important things: Vietnam Heroine Memorial near the national mall, Amazon Preparing for Battle in the National Gallery of Art.
