Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the great debate

it's silly, and yet completely annoying when i've lived with people and shared bathrooms with people of the opposite persuasion.

clearly, B is the best solution ;)


  1. totally agree that 'B' is the way.

  2. First thing to note; I'm a bloke.

    The solution to this problem is easy. Leave the bog roll on the floor, pick it up as required and unroll in whatever way suits. Finally replace on floor. If roll is empty leave cardboard thingy on the floor in usual position. The cleaning fairy will be along shortly... ;-)

  3. Yup... That just about sums up the men in my household too... but of course the correct answer is B. (great blog by the way):-)

  4. AGREED! What goes on in the mind of the A position picketer? They must have longer arms.
    (lovin your blog. Lotsa variety!
    congrats on blog of note! Come visit me at http://iamthevengeance.blogspot.com)

  5. So glad you decided to tackle this important issue. Finally. Settled. Yes!

  6. B is the way to go. Finally someone has the courage to stand up for what is right! ;)

  7. whoever puts the new roll on gets to pick, now, how about a debate between "folders" and "scrunchers"?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This ain't a very good debate is it? In the sort of holder on the image, 'clearly' A is best, makes tearing the paper off easier - by far!

    Don't go proving a point from previous post, surely women can tackle basic mechanics too.

  10. while i prefer b, after some deep reflection i can see why one would prefer solution a, as it allows more easily the option of rolling the paper down around your hand, all ready to be used.

    but im still team b, all the way.

  11. I'm with you! B is the way!

    Unless it's for paper towels...then it's A.

  12. As long as we're getting completely anal here-no pun intended-both sides deserve equal time. A and B should be alternated every time a role is replaced.

    Do people REALLY fight over stuff like this, or is that just an urban myth?

  13. i've never actually gotten in a fight over this issue - but i have been annoyed, for no good reason ;) it's my opinion that who ever changes the roll gets to choose. period.

    interesting point about the paper towels, viewful_justin.

  14. I completely agree. UGH! So annoying when it's the opposite...so simple yet so frustrating!

  15. Yes, B is the way to do it. A just seems wrong. (I have been known, after a couple drinks, to turn the roll at friends' houses to the proper position.)

  16. .............. but do they put the lid down?!

  17. Oh really? Doesn't the B option use up more paper and result in a mass of paper in your hand? That always happened to me because the paper would roll downward - no chance of that with A though!


  18. B is definitely the Best! But then, I grew up in a B household and so did my hubby. I worked in an office once where 2 women did quietly fight over this subject and were constantly changing the the position from A to B and back again. It was funny to the rest of us!

  19. yes, B is most definitely the better of the two.

  20. Emily Post must laugh her butt off every time she sees someone put the paper on backwards, as she suggests. B is the way to go, unless you have a cat. A cat will have B all over the floor in half a minute. Been there, done that.

  21. I'm ambidextrous and don't care :)

    BTW Did anyone consider tear strength at A .v. B?

  22. I could care less whether A or B, just replace the roll if you use the last of it. No one likes being stranded!

  23. Gotta be B! I always assumed that if it was in the A position that meant that the person was too lazy to make sure to do it properly. (I saw this on another blog too - must be making the rounds)

  24. I change the rolls in homes that are not my own if they aren't on the way they should be (B, obviously). I consider it a blessing and a curse that I have the absolute worst toilet paper karma ever- meaning I'm always either the one to use the last of it, or the person before me used the last of it and did not replace. The blessing part is that I get to take comfort in knowing that it's facing the right direction.

  25. I am definitely an 'A'

  26. And what of orthogonally mounted rolls?

  27. Even though there are already 29 comments here I feel the need to weigh in. It's totally A!! but per usual, it seems I'm in the 15% minority, like being left-handed or seeing that optical illusion lady spin both ways....

  28. but... A is farther away! and gravity helps you more quickly identify where the end of the sheet is in position B.

    other than the destructively playful cat argument, which i've witnessed, i'm still not convinced i could ever be happy with A.

    shay - i've noticed this about you in the past ;)

    alisa - i never suspected...

  29. B is correct. (Unless you have cats.)

  30. LOL! B is the only way if you're standing up! Otherwise you have to do some interesting contortions to reach back behind the roll, which generally takes care of the problem anyway. Also, B works better with that wonderful English waxed toilet paper (do they still make that?). You need two hands to tear the stuff!

  31. Absolutely B! The cleaning staff at my office always puts it on backwards, really annoying! I have to laugh that I'm annoyed by it.

  32. I don't know if that debate will ever be resolved. I just attempted both techniques and I was pleasantly content with both manners....hmm...something to think about.

    Do keep in touch,

    Jeremy Weber
    Brooklyn, New York 2009


    ... it has better aesthetic appeal.


    xx Action Wolfe

  34. A is the correct way. It just drapes beautifully you see. It's more fluid, unlike B which is trying too hard, like it's poking its tongue out.

  35. ANSWER IS B!!!!! if i use A then i need use 2 hands,if i use B then only one hand!

  36. I thought it might be interesting to consider the issue of paper conservation, so I tried an experiment; I tried tearing off a bit of paper with the roll in the A and B positions. When tearing the paper from a seated position, it didn't appear to make any difference as to ease of tear and how much paper was used, but when tearing from a standing position, as a gentleman does when taking care of those annoying stray droplets, the A position allowed for a more efficient tear and less wasting of paper.

    I'll leave the esthetics of the issue to those whose senses are more refined than mine, but there does appear to be some pragmatic value to the A position, but the bottom line (Oops, another unintended pun!) is that I agree with you; them what changes the roll decides how it hangs!

    (For the record, I found my roll in the B position when I began the experiment.)

  37. B is the obvious choice. Who has ever wanted to fiddle behind a roll to try and finger-find with tactile concentration where the last rip ended? No one, that's who. B is visually more utilitarian, I will say that. Because you can SEE WHAT YOU'RE GRABBING! C'mon, people! In addition, any recessed cavity that may hold toilet paper may be compromised by hosting something nasty. Why go fumbling around back there when you can just touch paper and not risk a random brush-in with skeev? Also, if you are spinning the roll in a seated position you are spinning down and paper is going down. All consistent. The other choice is to spin the roll upwards and collect downwards! Very complicated. I'm a B man from way back. Always will be.

  38. Concur.. It has better be B! ;o)

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Yes! "B" is the best solution! xD

    "A" is just awkward xD you gatta do the whole reach around.. xD

  41. 'B' is most definitively the way to go. At least for the sensible.

    'A' makes no sense what so ever. You have an extra distance to reach, can't see the perforation, and installing the roll requires the awkward 'kick-start' roll to find the edge.

  42. haha I like the second comment to this!

  43. B is the only way to fly.... you shouldn't have to grapple for toilet paper.... cause when you need it you need it!

    i have had world traveler's comment that we keep the softest toilet paper in the world in our bathroom!

  44. I live with an A, but am a Ber. I'm glad to see B is the majority.

  45. I vote for "B"

  46. B but C for cistern for me.

  47. Free yourselves! Don't get hung up with A or B side, destroy the tyranical "holder" and just lay a roll out that is easy to get to! I won't be painted into A or B side debate....iv'e got other concerns, such as what to do when you sneeze and blow snot all over ones mustache!

  48. B is clearly the solution for me.

    But Im a weirdo.

  49. No debate here mate, it should be "B"

  50. I think it all depends if you are an "A"hole or a "B"hole.

    Toad AAC

  51. A works better if your loo is v. close to the wall on the left hand (other way round if you are left-handed, I suppose), and this is why.

    You lean left, pull the end sheet of paper with your right hand, and then trap the roll with your shoulder, allowing you to tear off X sheets without having use both hands, so that you do not need to put down the book you have been reading and are holding in your left hand...

  52. Quite simply... 'B'! Was there ever really a question? Apparently... yes.
