according to the surfer physicist, Garrett Lisi, 42 is not the answer to life, the universe, and everything. dud. but he has just submitted a theory for peer review with the deceivingly light title, "An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything."
its exciting that someone with such a non-traditional physics career is getting so much attention for what seems to be a very interesting theory! but i have a small problem with calling something a "theory of everything" when only a small handful of highly educated human beings can understand it well enough to discuss it. i know life and the universe are both very complicated and should probably require a complicated theory to explain them... but it's a telling sign when a leading theoretical cosmologist, stated that he wont even bother reading and trying to fully understand this paper... just yet.
a worthy attempt to explain how this new theory fits into the current standard model of particle physics can be found at the backreaction blog. i admit that i dont understand the finer points, but i think the visualization of E8 - a complex, eight-dimensional mathematical pattern with 248 points - is beautifully fascinating! view e8rotation here.
i hope that gives you enough references to go read about this theory, if you want.
well i have to agree that whether or not it is truly everything, it is awfully cool to look at!