Friday, March 13, 2009

space debris danger for ISS

the crew of the international space station (ISS) is moving into the Soyuz due to danger of possible space debris impact. follow universe today for regular updates. estimated time of impact is 16:39 GMT - about 30 minutes!

you can follow the NASA live stream


  1. Scary! I'll definitely be following that one.

  2. Well that was nerve wracking. The feed was largely in Russian 'til the danger had passed.

    I imagine this sort of thing is going to become more common unless something is done about the increasing amount of debris flying around up there. The Iridium/Kosmos collision a month back won't have helped.

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  4. A few websites are reporting that the object was actually on old motor from the space station itself that would have caused some serious damage. (Given I have no idea about whether this turned out to be correct or not)

  5. great blog
    wonderful my friend

  6. nasa is a bunch of idiots, they deserve whatevers coming to them.

  7. That was a close one, it's sad to see so much money and effort had been put into ISS and yet its so vulnerable to a little piece of space junk. And the worst thing it's bound to happen again and again. The orbit is just filled with junk and debris that seriously needs to be dealt with. Amazing blog by the way, keep up the good work.

    Take care, Elli

  8. new to your blog, interesting stuff.
