Thursday, March 26, 2009

cantina song on harp

i've always wanted to play the harp, but it was an impractical instrument to get a hold of... maybe one day. meanwhile, this sports-jersey-wearing young fellow can play a mean harp! and he plays the cantina song from star wars to boot!

from cynical-c.


  1. I never fail to be impressed by muscians of any kind. All of their talents lie in a dimesion that they alone occupy.

    Sorta like being able to concieve of a galaxy millions of miles away!

  2. You could always get hold of a Celtic harp. They're a lot easier to get hold of and transport, and a lot cheaper than a concert harp too!

  3. :( I wanna learn how to play the violin... and it sounds lame that that sounds like an easy feat. But not in my predicament atm.... Broke poor uni student bank balance. ahahaha.

    xx Action Wolfe

  4. I started playing the cello last year, sold my PS3 and used the money for a cello! Been playing the piano for years, but have always had a bit of a thing for stringed instruments! hehe

  5. i adore the idea of the celtic harp! i'll look into that when i get back from my upcoming trip. thanks!

    i've played the piano since i was young. its my favorite. i had a mandolin for a while that i really enjoyed playing. i keep relearning the same chords on the guitar and forgetting them. it would help if i owned one to practice!

    i took some violin lessons several years ago, but i found it really difficult to get solid tones, and the learning process produced very loud and awful notes. i spared my neighbors the torture and gave up.

  6. I think intonation is one of the hardest things on stringed instruments, and the frets on guitars means you don't have to worry about it! Keep going with the music though!

    I'm new to this blogging thing! Only just started one a few days ago.

  7. Played cello when I was in school and can still remember a few tunes. I just love the song selection!

  8. Well fingers crossed i'll get good enough to learn some proper music! hehe

  9. This kid is probably going to get beat up. A lot.
