Friday, June 20, 2008

water on mars!

this is too cool... phoenix has found water on mars! it cant be salt... it must be H20 water ice!


  1. Enough water to produce massive amounts of rocket fuel & sustain human
    colonies. If only the voters would support it.

  2. I think medical research deserves funding before mars colonization.

  3. i'm not advocating colonizing mars. i'd like to see us kick the visit-the-moon idea and just send more robots to mars... if we start finding unexplainable and exciting things then we consider the possibility of sending humans.

    but for now... this is exciting just for basic scientific discovery!!

  4. That's a bit of a surprising revolt. Russia & China have almost completely devoted their budgets to human spaceflight. US & Europe tend to prefer robotic exploration. There must be a reason why the 2 cultures differ so radically.

  5. After destroying the Earth, do you want the humans beings beginning to destroy Mars? Really? Mars do not deserves that. Please keep us with our dirty work only here.

  6. "Anonymous said...

    After destroying the Earth, do you want the humans beings beginning to destroy Mars? Really? Mars do not deserves that. Please keep us with our dirty work only here.
    6/21/08 8:23 AM "

    The Earth is destroyed? Really? From where I'm sitting on it right at the moment, it still seems pretty intact. Perhaps, It done blew up and I didn't realize yet.
